Automating Connectivity & Maximizing Resources

FiberSmart revolutionizes physical manual work using robotic technology and unleashes the economic value that's already existed in data centers and networks

Customers are Transforming with Us

Digital Transformation has begun and it's only at the beginning. Robotic evolution helps our customers to do more with less and direct valuable human resources to highly skilled work areas.

  • "We have created a shared environment to increase utilization of high dollar value CAPEX equipment."

  • "Each ROME saves us $500,000 per year and allows us to perform more tasks with fewer headcounts."

  • "We have been able to access our data center resources remotely throughout the pandemic lockdown period."

  • "With an aging population in Japan, automation is the solution to respond to service demand and disaster recovery requirements."

  • "We were able to provision a customer circuit during our travel outside of the country in a coffee shop."

  • "We are an early adopter of ROME's predecessor, and we have now added the ROME 500 in our new facility."

  • ROME customer in San Francisco

  • ROME customer in the UK and India

  • ROME customer in Netherlands

  • ROME customer in Germany

  • ROME customer in the UK

  • ROME customer in Colorado

Opportunities are Everywhere

With almost endless applications of optical fiber in communications throughout many industries, FiberSmart has a big mission to bring automation capabilities to businesses.

Edge Data Centers

New data centers are being deployed in smaller sizes and in large numbers, driven by 5G and IoT supporting billions of devices. Optical fibers are delivering the lightning speed in sub milli-second latency.

FiberSmart brings in autonomous operations and robotic service management.

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Video Distribution

Higher definition (4K, 8K and beyond) means high bandwidth demand. Broadcasting and video distribution require real-time network responses.

FiberSmart brings agility and visibility in complex networks.

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Smart Labs

The future of labs is always-on, always available and at your finger tips. As DevOps and software applications are fast evolving, the sandboxes need to be on-demand and run by robots.

FiberSmart robots work 24x7 around the clock around the globe.

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Sports and Entertainment Venues

It's all about experience for both live and virtual events, and it's the network running over optical fibers that delivers the low latency reality.

FiberSmart brings in unprecedented reliability and experience for millions of audience.

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Data Center Meet-Me-Room (MMR)

Data centers need security through zero-touch. Manual processes introduce vulnerability. For data center operators the meet-me-room should be where businesses connect, not human hands.

FiberSmart secures this critical operations with scalable ROME robots.

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Robots in the automotive industry

Let’s start with a quick question – what’re the first names that come to your mind when you think of  robots helping humans save the galaxy multiple times? C3PO and R2D2! One of the greatest movie sagas  of our generation, Star Wars, relied on adventurous, multi-purposed robots helping out their human  friends to defeat the forces of evil and save the universe.

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